Nevertheless, I always tried to ignore my allergies and attempted to sweep them under the rug. Many times I would simply chalk my discomfort up to the combining of foods that should not go together. Like take Twinkies and beef for an example. Even though the combination sounds good, some would even say terrific, it can be deadly when eaten together.
It is in this role of self discovery that I sat down and decided it was time I made a list of the other things that make me ill. After a great deal of meditation, I came up with six things that cause me bodily harm.
And while this list is posted on the blog, it is also taped to my refrigerator so I don't accidentally slip up. You can't be too careful these days when you're dealing with allergies of this magnitude.
· Heavy Lifting: I know this is something I should love, but I think I’m allergic to lifting furniture, refrigerators, pianos and sofas. I seem to break out in a huge sweat when I lift these, especially when I am asked to move them from room to room “just to see how it would look.”
· Bad Hair: I realize that I would have bad hair if I were not married to Holly. However, I am so against bad hair that I would advise anyone I know to find a stylist who can make your look happen everyday. It is so worth it.
· Bad TV: TV is now the most overrated and under performing medium in our lives. There is nothing on TV that makes me fascinated, intrigued or mildly entertained. It only makes matters worse that our kids hide and break the remotes, forcing me to stick to one channel for an entire 11 minutes until a commercial break. Without a remote, I refuse to watch anymore. It is too painful and a complete waste of time.
· The fact that John McCain looks older everyday: Although he may have a fighting chance to become our next president, it does not help the Republican Party that he looks more and more like a grandfather getting ready to enter a nursing home than he looks like a president preparing to enter the White House.
· A lack of time: I want more and more time. Time where I can choose what I want to do, not what I have to do. I want to drive across the country, making occasional stops at national monuments and waffle houses. Yes, in some states, those are one in the same. I realize that. But I want a chance to explore the country and see what’s good.
· When people I like say, “Let’s call it a night.”: No. Let’s NOT call it a night. Let’s stay up and swap stories until the sun comes up. Let’s have fun. I hate when people want to call it a night. I always want to say, “Let’s call it a weekend, and hang out until Monday morning.” I think this problem goes back to the allergic reaction to the bullet point above.
I pretty much like everything else. In fact, I love the following things:
1. Running outside: I love to be outside, running. It clears your mind, body and soul. Everything seems possible after a five mile run.
2. Yoga inside: It teaches you how to love yourself, with a truly unconditional heart.
3. Tennis: There is a certain ping of the racket that almost puts you into a trance when you hit with someone good.
4. Kickball: My kids love it. I love it. It’s perfect.
5. Swimming: Ahh, so refreshing.
6. Having friends over: Nothing is better than good friends and good conversation.
7. Blackberries: Puts everyone you know, in the palm of your hand.
8. Texting: It is so easy and so much fun and it provides you with an instant hook-up to your best friends.
9. Blogging: Trying to write something people will read is a challenge that is fun, I think.
10. Reading other blogs: I love to read what others write. Plus, when you see them, they instantly know you care because you took the time to read.
11. Eating pasta, French bread and ranch: I know, this is cruel irony.
12. Bulldogs. I LOVE bulldogs. Why won't anyone let me take care of their bulldog? Or just give me one?
13. Singing along with the iPod: All your favorite songs in one place, what could be better.
14. Playing with my kids: I love to see them happy and doing something that totally makes them excited.
15. Singing with my kids: I love to hear my kids sing a song they love.
16. Madden Football 2009: Every year I decide not to buy it and every year I get it the fist day, program the Chargers in and start beating butt. Love it.
17. The San Diego Chargers: Who does not love the Chargers? Lighting bolt on the helmet, powder blue jerseys. Shawn Merriman. The best city in the United States.
18. Dancing: Not real dancing, but jumping up and down in a mosh pit type of style. Especially to good music. Yes. Really good music.
19. The beach: Walking hand in hand with your kids, jumping waves and feeling the sand under your feet. Awesome.
20. California: The air smells better. The people are great and the food tastes like you’re a Hollywood star. I love California.
21. Vacations: You have the pre-vacation build up, which is great. The post-vacation glow, which is tremendous and the in-vacation who cares about anything but what I am doing right now bliss, which is unbeatable.
22. Ties: Thick ties, with a huge knot are boss.
23. Linen Pants: Although they always wrinkle and only look good for about the first six times you wear them, nothing says cool like linen pants.
24. Nice shoes: Really nice shoes, feel great, look great and make you taller. That, my friend, is as much as you could ask from anybody.
25. Watches: I love putting a thick, heavy watch on my wrist. The weight and the class, makes everything else you are wearing somehow seem better.
26. Redbox: Late fees, yes, but not as many.
27. Pizza: How could you not love pizza? Especially if it is a little on the doughy side.
28. People who play the piano: Rock N Roll never sounded so grand.
29. Swedish Fish: I have eaten more Swedish Fish in my life, than I have eaten real fish. Plus, some of my favorite memories are eating too many fish, while laughing too much.
30. The HOT TUB: Come on, it’s hot and it makes your muscles feel alright. And that’s a good thing.
31. GQ: Best mag ever.
32. XM Radio: All music, all the time.
33. REM: This is a music group, who although they may have peaked, had some of the greatest tunes of my high school life.
34. Las Vegas: Excellent service, tons to do. Great people, having the time of their lives. I love Las Vegas.
35. Montana: I love the people, the landscape and the lakes. What a beautiful location. And if you believe my friend, Vinnie, the football is world-class.
36. Mountain air: So crisp, so clean. You always feel better just being in the mountains and breathing in and out.
37. Cows: Is there anything more beautiful and majestic than a cow?
38. Bulls: I used to be afraid of bulls, until I started riding them when I was in the first grade, now, I love them.
39. Red Bull: The sweet, tangy nectar of excitement and energy.
40. Atari: This was the best game system around when I was growing up. I almost started our house on fire because the system overheated when I scored a million points on Asteroids.
OK. I know. I love a lot more things than I’m allergic to. But I would’t have it any other way. What do you love and what are you sick of?
You used #9 to overcome my bullet point 5. I have to put my kids to bed but I'm enthralled with your blog!
I gave up white bread years ago and think that maybe the entire human species is allergic to it!
Hmmmm...what do I love?
Right now I am loving playing with my kids and taking on the challenge of learning a new profession everyday. I love a good challenge...I am definately sick of TRAFFIC and my DIRTY CAR! I spend too much time there...
Angie - thank you. this is, by far, the nicest comment someone has posted on my blog...
Wow! I would have to agree with many items on your list:
REM--they are SO good
XM Radio--Flight 26 is my favorite
Blogging--it is my release
Texting--I think I am finally getting the hang of it
Swedish Fish--YUM YUM
California, Vacations, Beach--all great!!
Atari--I loved Raiders of the Lost Ark
Good post! Fun to read! Nostalgic!
However, Twinkies and Beef? Yuck! :)
What about the smell of fresh cut grass, that feeling of diving in water after a long sweaty day, playing tennis with your brothers and having your kids run up to you yelling Daddy when you walk through the door. Those are a few of the things, especially the last one, that I cherish. Great blog! Oh and swedish fish are fantastic.
Brim you are the pimp. I have been contemplating the idea of a blog only to find that it was all my friends wives (friend's wife's...whatever) who were pounding them out. Now I have found a fellow dude who writes one and I can finally hunker down at the computer and sleep at night knowing that Matt has one too.
Things I love...txt is the best. I love the texting. Throw me one sometime. 208-401-6386. I try to txt to the Jim Rome show twice a week but with the guys...I text all the time.
Finally heard from Doug Thomas out of the blue for the first time in about 2 years. That was nice.
Ahhh, Atari. That's the one thing that my husband had for his dowry. We still have it. My nephews came over and thought we were torturing them to play River Raid or Inferno. I'll take the simplicity of Atari over Xbox any day.
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