Thursday, October 9, 2008

Holly, 1989, Drill Team Photo...

Holly is directly in the center, standing up, proudly representing Orem High. Is it just me, or does it look like every girl who attended Orem High had to be blonde or at least be willing to get their hair frosted.


Unknown said...

wow, who would have thought she would go on to be a hair expert

Melissa Smith said...

frosted huh?

A Meyer said...

I called this the F-16 on the sides looks like the air intakes of a jet. Classic. Good to see what was going on at Cyprus went on everywhere else. We have a Halloween party with 51 couples...I am thinking we should dress like the late 80s-early 90s. A little Zach (AKA Preppie), Screech and company.

Girl on the first row, second on our right...looks like this pic is about to go immoral real fast. Ease up lady. I have one somewhere of the drill team I took for photography class. I kept it forever to show my good "burning" skills in photography...or that's what I told myself for the next 5 years after high school.

No I am keeping it for some "time capsule" we said we would open at the 20yr reunion. So if you have anything hang on to it. Even if you don't come I wll go to Vegas to pick it up and bring it back. said...

Jana really misses the "big" hair era...those were the days!

Mrs. O said...

except for the token brunette in the middle...